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Bifocal and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Are recommended multifocal contact lenses are daily disposables such as ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day MULTIFOCAL.

Not sure if multifocal contacts are right for you? Did you know that all of our contact lens exams conclude trial and his part of the process? We make sure to help you find the right pair of contact lenses that bring you the best of vision and comfort.

Our contact lens exam includes the contact lens fitting & all follow-ups for up to 6 months.

Come back 1 week after the exam.

About the initial contact lens fit

When you wear your first pair of contact lenses, we want to make sure you’re fit is perfect. Therefore, you’ll need to report back within 2 hours of your first fitting to our team so that Dr. Cohn & Dr. Jennifer Karmiol know your vision is clear & comfortable.

Most people who are nearsighted and farsighted can be successful fitted with multifocal contacts, but it’s important to know the limitations of multifocal contact lenses..

Your vision will never be quite as good as with glasses. Instead, you will enjoy seeing at various distances throughout your day and being able to handle most of your activities comfortably. Driving during the day is generally not a problem, while nighttime driving may be difficult. You may face challenges when trying to read tiny print, and it’s best to not wear multifocal contacts if you are someone who works at a computer for long hours at a time. Working on a computer requires maintaining your mid-range vision at a certain distance, which often becomes difficult for patients who are multifocal contact lenses.

Multifocal lenses give you the flexibility in your vision to let you spend your day with without depending on reading glasses.

Bifocal and multifocal contact lenses are available in both soft and rigid gas permeable (GP) materials.

Bifocals, multifocals – What’s the difference?

Bifocal contacts lenses (like bifocal eyeglass lenses) have two powers – one for seeing clearly far away and one for seeing clearly up close. Multifocal contact lenses, like progressive eyeglass lenses, have a range of powers for seeing clearly far away, up close and everywhere in between. (“Multifocal” is also a catch-all term for all lenses with more than one power, including bifocals.)

Types of multifocal contact lenses

Based on design, there are basically two types of multifocal contact lenses:

  1. Simultaneous vision lenses. With these lenses, both distance and near zones of the lens are in front of your pupil at the same time. Although this might sound unworkable, after a short period of time your visual system learns to use the power you need and ignore the other lens power(s), depending on what you are looking at. Simultaneous vision lenses are the most popular type of multifocal contact lens. They are nearly always soft lenses, and are available in two designs:
    • Concentric ring designs – These are bifocal lenses with either the distance or near power in the center of the lens, with alternating rings of distance and near powers surrounding it.
    • Aspheric designs – These are progressive-style multifocal lenses, with many powers blended across the lens surface. Some aspheric lenses have the distance power in the center of the lens; others have the near power in the center.
  2. Alternating vision (or translating) lenses. These are GP multifocal lenses that are designed like bifocal eyeglass lenses. The top part of the lens has the distance power, and the bottom part of the lens contains the near power. When you look straight ahead, your eye is looking through the distance part of the lens. When you look down, your lower lid holds the lens in place while your pupil moves (translates) into the near zone of the lens for reading.

    Will multifocal contact lenses work for me?

    In monovision, you wear a single vision contact lens on one eye for your distance vision and a single vision contact lens on the other eye that has a prescription for your near vision. In modified monovision, you wear a single vision “distance lens” on one eye and a multifocal contact lens on the other eye to help you see better up close.

    To determine the best contact lenses for your vision needs when you reach “bifocal age,” call our office for a consultation.



Wink is open!

We will be taking extra precautionary measures to protect the health of both you and our staff, including:

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces
  • COVID-19 screening of all customers and staff
  • Temperature checks at the office door
  • Masks will be required
  • Added Merv 13 Air Filters

  • Disinfecting process for all frames
  • Added UV lights in the Ductwork for air sterilization
  • Contact lens & eyeglass ordering with direct patient shipment or curbside delivery

Hours | M-F 10am-6pm | Saturday 10am-4pm

301-545-1111 |